Connect to the shakers & movers of Berkeley

     The primary focus of Berkeley Times is the people of Berkeley – those in the community who are committed and dedicated to co-create the amazing place every day, and those who support excellence in schools – year after year.

     It’s about the shakers and movers in town who volunteer countless hours to the education and advancement of their children. It’s also about the empty nesters who remain active and engaged in a community that has much to offer. These are the folks who make Berkeley go – the ones who make decisions, and drive the local economy.

     As an independently owned community newspaper, the highest priority of Berkeley Times is its subscribers – and each edition will reflect just that. Even so, there will be room in the paper for a variety of advertisements. When compared to other newspapers, the ads printed in Berkeley Times appear differently: they're relatively modest in size and locally sourced. In other words, this publication does not accept ads from outside the community.

     Furthermore, each ad contributes to the local look and feel on the paper – exactly what subscribers want in their community newspaper. In other words, each advertisement connects with readers – which is the purpose for advertising in the first place.

Guidelines for advertisements

     1.  Berkeley Times emphasizes local stories written by local writers, and it does not fill its pages with content supplied by national news sources. Similarly, only locally sourced advertisements are welcome.

     2.  Generally, ads are arranged lower on the page, but in ways that are interesting to readers. Only in the Real Estate and Classified sections will ads raise above the fold in a page.

     3.  Half-page and larger ads are discouraged. However, when appropriate to the Berkeley community, only schools, local non-profits, the city, and candidates running for office will have the privilege to purchase such ads.

     4.  Commercial inserts will be strictly forbidden. Only schools, non-profits, and educational institutions will be permitted to insert materials in Berkeley Times.

     5.  Any ad not intended specifically for the Berkeley community will be refused, because subscribers of the Berkeley Times have no time for such ads.

     For more information about ads in the Berkeley Times, call the newsroom at (510) 332-7572 or send email inquiries to

     To see sample ad sizes, click here.